Lawyers for Children's court

The procedure and sentencing options available in the Children's Court are unique. To achieve the best possible outcome for your matter you need a lawyer who is familiar with the practice, procedure and prosecutors who work in the Children's Court. The lawyers at Perrella Legal have extensive knowledge of the Young Offenders Act and the unique sentencing objectives of the Children's Court. Combining this knowledge with our extensive experience representing young people we have successfully defended and negotiated favourable outcomes for our clients.

We recommend you speak to us as soon as you become aware that legal representation may be required.
You can contact us on 9225 6466.

What is the Children's Court?

The Children's Court of Western Australia has exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine a charge of an offence alleged to have been committed by a child (a person under 18 years of age). All indictable offences and simple offences alleged to have been committed by a child are dealt with in the Children's Court.

The Children's Court is a court of summary jurisdiction. Magistrates in the Children's Court preside over all trials and sentencing hearings that involve simple offences and less serious indictable offences.

The President of the Children's Court (being a Judge of the District Court) presides over all trials and sentencing hearings involving more serious indictable offences.

The lawyers at Perrella Legal often appear in the Children's Court and have experience dealing with the following offences which commonly come before the Children's Court:

  • Aggravated burglary
  • Arson
  • Armed robbery
  • Aggravated armed robbery
  • Child sexual assault offences
  • Criminal damage
  • Steal motor vehicle
  • Possession of prohibited drugs
  • Trespass
  • Graffiti
  • Stealing
  • Assault
  • Assault public officer

For any information regarding legal representation in the Children's Court speak to us first. 

Call us today on (08) 9225 6646

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